Directions North America 2024 Diamond Sponsor

Thank you for supporting Directions North America!

Directions North America is proud to have you as a Diamond Sponsor. Your sponsorship is very important to us and our goal is to be sure you take full advantage of all your sponsorship benefits.

This portal outlines your sponsorship benefits, key deadlines, and links to instructions on how to submit sponsor materials to us. Directions 2024 sponsorship committee will assign ISV Session times, Premier Sponsor Exhibit spaces, and Expo Booths based on sponsorship levels and when sponsorships were requested and paid. General Session presentation schedule is based on sponsorship level. We will contact you promptly about your company's assignments and your General Session rehearsal and presentation schedule. For your reference:

Download Directions 2024 Logo Pack and Email Signature


Key Deadlines for Collateral and Session Submission
January 18, 2024 Company Logo
Company Profile
February 8, 2024 ISV Sessions presentation description
General Sessions presentation description
General Session AV questionnaire
February 15, 2024 Artwork for Banners and Signs
Artwork for Kiosks
Artwork for Digital Ad
February 29, 2024 Pre-conference Blind E-mail content
Post-conference Blind E-mail content
March 14, 2024 General Session slide deck and video(s) for review


Your Diamond Sponsorship Benefits
General Session Presentation A 7-minute General Session presentation with up to 2 minutes to show a video if you choose.
On-Site Promotion Choice of one unparalleled visibility opportunity. First-come, first-served:
  1. Your company or product name appears in Conference Attendee WiFi SSID
  2. Hospitality Sponsor with Logo on signage and branded cocktail napkins at Welcome Expo on Sunday, April 14
  3. Hospitality Sponsor with Logo on signage and branded cocktail napkins at Expo Reception on Monday, April 15
  4. Directions Connections Sponsor with Logo on signage and power centers.

The Directions North America sponsorship committee will contact you directly about this benefit.

ISV Sessions Two (2) 30-minute ISV Sessions at a premier scheduled time.
Premier Sponsor Exhibits and Expo 2-Meter Sponsor Kiosk with standing banner sign in the Premier Sponsor Exhibits from Sunday, April 14, to Wednesday, April 17.

2-Meter Sponsor Kiosk at the Expo Receptions on Sunday, April 14 and Monday, April 15.

Conference Registrations Four (4) Full Conference Passes for members of your staff. Register your attendees using your sponsor complimentary registration code (enter code on Selection page). You may register additional attendees at the Conference rates.

Expo Only Passes are available at $895 each for registered Sponsors and Exhibitors only. You will receive the access code for Expo-only Passes along with your complimentary registration code.

VIP Seating VIP Reserved Seating section up front at all General Sessions.
Signage One (1) Company Banner in the General Session and one (1) Company Banner in the Expo Hall, with artwork only needed.
Sponsor Blind E-Mails One (1) Blind Pre-conference E-mail and one (1) Blind Post-conference E-mail to Attendees.
Marketing E-Mails Your Logo on most Marketing E-mails from Directions North America 2024.
Directions 2024 Website Your Company Listing with your Logo and Company Description on the Directions North America Website.
Recognition Sponsor Recognition in General Sessions. Your Company Logo on screen during Keynote Walk-In. Your Company Logo on Event Signage.
General Session Video Ads Opportunity to show Video Ads at General Session (extra cost).
Digital Ad Two (2) rotating 10-Second static Electronic Digital Ads on Conference Flatscreen.
Opt-in Attendee List Opt-in attendee contact list available after conference
Marketing Promotion Opportunities 25% off all other Directions 2024 MPOs.
Videography Option to use Directions' videography crew and existing equipment (max 20 mins) to produce raw footage videos. Subject to availability. Editing extra. Please submit your request by March 14, 2024.

Need Help?

Visit the Directions North America Website for agenda, FAQs, policies, conference updates, and much more!

To contact your Directions sponsorship team, please e-mail

You may also directly contact:

Diane Saeger, Sponsorship Chair & Sponsorship Committee

Eva Chiu, Conference Planning & Operations